Rockland County, NY Divorce Attorney

Rockland County NY divorce attorneys

Experienced Matrimonial Lawyer Serving the Hudson Valley Area

If you are contemplating divorce or you have been served with documents initiating a divorce, you may be experiencing a range of emotions that include stress, fear and even anger. While these feelings are common when a marriage deteriorates, these intense emotions can cloud the parties’ judgment and prevent an amicable resolution that avoids the depletion of marital assets, unnecessary stress and adverse impact on the parties’ children.

While Rockland County divorce lawyer Robert S. Lewis is prepared to protect his client’s interest, he also understands the value of an amicable settlement. With over 35 years of legal experience, Mr. Lewis can offer creative solutions that increase the probability of stable and workable resolutions to your divorce issues.

A negotiated problem-solving approach toward divorce issues can prevent long-term animosity and judge imposed terms that both parties find unacceptable. Negotiated settlements tend to reduce the probability that you will constantly need to return to court seeking modifications or enforcement of the judgment in your divorce.

While New York has traditionally been a fault-based divorce state, it became the last state to adopt no-fault divorce. Our state now offers both options. The majority of divorces are now based on the “irretrievable breakdown” of a marriage, which is referred to as “no-fault” divorce. While no-fault divorce is most common, some fault based reasons that might be asserted for a marital dissolution include:

  • Abandonment
  • Cruel and Inhuman Treatment
  • Adultery
  • Imprisonment

A divorce will not only dissolve marital status but also address division of property, spousal maintenance, child custody, child support and other ancillary issues. If you are involved in an uncontested divorce, we can help you negotiate the terms of a marital settlement agreement (MSA) and draft the MSA and judgment paperwork.

There are certain types of issues that tend to make the divorce process more complicated, so you need to speak with an experienced Rockland County divorce lawyer promptly if you anticipate any of these issues. Examples of these types of issues include:

  • Valuation and division of a business or professional practice;
  • High conflict custody disputes;
  • Parental move-away;
  • Hidden or diverted assets;
  • Division of real property and vacation properties; and
  • Cases involving hard to value assets like stock options.

At the Law Offices of Robert S. Lewis, P.C., we handle the full spectrum of divorce and matrimonial issues, such as:

If you are involved in a pending marital dissolution or considering filing for a divorce in Rockland County, we can answer your questions, prepare your paperwork, negotiate with your spouse and represent you in court. Contact the Law Offices of Robert S. Lewis, P.C. at 845-358-7100 to learn how we can help. Se habla Español.