Rockland County, NY Elder Law Attorney

Nyack elder law attorneys

Planning for Nursing Home Care

Elder law refers to aspects of estate planning most important to the elderly —decisions about medical care, planning for long-term care and preserving wealth for a surviving spouse or children.

Robert S. Lewis is a Nyack, New York lawyer with the experience and knowledge of elder law issues to help clients anticipate problems and offer the best solutions. He serves clients throughout Rockland County and the Lower Hudson Valley. Call today at 845-358-7100 for a free initial consultation.

Medicaid Planning

The dilemma of having Medicaid pay for nursing home care or an assisted living facility is that the government requires you to spend down your own assets first. We assist clients in the sophisticated advance planning to help clients qualify for Medicaid without depleting their children’s inheritance.

For example, Medicaid has a five-year lookback on gifting to heirs—you cannot simply deed your house to your kids the day before entering a nursing home. But you can gift up to $11,000 per heir per year, tax-free. Certain types of trusts can also shield assets from taxes and preserve Medicaid eligibility. Mr. Lewis can also advise on long term care insurance to avoid the Medicaid problem and pay for a higher level of nursing care.

Health Care Planning

We provide comprehensive estate planning, including health care directives (health care proxy and living wills) to ensure you get proper care and your wishes are observed. These documents and powers of attorney address issues such as life support and appoint a loved one to make decisions about your medical or nursing care if you are incapacitated by illness or mental infirmity.

Drafting a Will

It is never too late to create or rewrite your will to designate who will inherit your estate (your pension and retirement assets, your home, a business and other wealth). Mr. Lewis can help place assets in trusts to minimize taxes and probate for your heirs, arrange for a portion of your estate to go to charity or establish stipulations for inheritance.

For knowledgeable counsel in all aspects of elder law, contact the Law Offices of Robert S. Lewis, P.C. We offer a free initial consultation at our office in Nyack. Se habla Español.